State of the Field

By: Lucas Corcoran


Renaissance Quarterly. University of Chicago Press.

Early Modern Cultural Studies. University of Pennsylvania Press.

The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Duke University Press.

Shakespeare Quarterly. John Hopkins Press.


Green, Roland. Five Words: Critical Semantics in the Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

In his book, Professor Greene seeks to trace the intellectual history of the long 16th century through the changing usages of five words: blood, invention, language, world, resistance. Herein, Professor green sets out a term ‘critical semantics’ in order to describe this method.

Palfrey, Simon. Poor Tom: Living King Lear. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.

Palfrey hopes to see King Lear anew. To do this, he examines Edgar’s portrayal of ‘Poor Tom of Bedlam.’

Turner, James. Philology: the Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2014.

Professor Turner’s account of philology includes periods of history before and after what scholars usually define as the early modern era. His is a useful narrative, for it establishes the firm hold that philology had on early modern literary study and education.

Annual Conferences:

Renaissance Society of America

Shakespeare Association of America

Society for the Study of Early Modern Women

University Press Series:

The I Tatti Renaissance Library. Harvard UP.

Renaissance Dramatists. Edinburgh University Press.

Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture. Cambridge University Press.

Speaker Series:

Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance. The Graduate Center, CUNY.

University Seminar in Shakespeare. Columbia University.

Renaissance Studies. The Graduate Center, CUNY.


Medieval and Renaissance Studies Columbia:

The Folger:

The British Library: http:

Scholarly Tweets:

John Gallagher:

Mario Digangi:

Carrie Hintz:

Institutional Tweets:

The Folger Library:

The Newberry Library:

The Huntington Library: