By: Catherine Sara Engh
Studies in Romanticism
The Wordsworth Circle
European Romantic Review
Modern Language Quarterly
Essays in Romanticism
Books Published in the Last Two Years
Saeko Yoshikawa, William Wordsworth and the Invention of Tourism, 1820-1900–Review:
Monika Class, Coleridge and Kantian Ideas in England, 1796-1817–Review:
Jane Stabler, The Artistry of Exile: Romantic and Victorian Writers in Italy–Review:
Ian Haywood, Romanticism and Caricature–
Nancy Yousef, Romantic Intimacy–
Annual Conferences
NASSR 2014: Romantic Organizations–
22nd Annual Meeting of the British Women Writers Conference–
Coleridge Summer Conference–
International Conference on Romanticism–
University Press Series
Oxford University Press, Women Writers in English 1350-1850–
Cornell Univesity Press, Reading Women Writing–
Cambridge University Press, Studies in Romanticism–
Speaker Series
NYRFS Dinner with Jeff Cowton, MBE, Curator of the Wordsworth Trust
When: Monday November 3, 2014 6-8 pm // Where: O’Casey’s, on 41st Street between Fifth and Madison
Kevin Gilmartin: Being Critical or Being Nothing: Hazlitt against Legitimacy
When: Friday November 14, 2014 5-7 pm // Where: Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus, 155 W 60th St, New York, NY, United States
Evan Jones: Hegel, Patmore and the Turn of Rhythm
When: Friday November 7, 2014 4-6 pm // Where: The Graduate Center, CUNY, 5th Avenue, New York, NY, United States English Department
Scholarly Blogs
Blithe Sprits–
Romantic Circles–
Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net–
Twitter Accounts Maintained by Scholars in the Field
Jim Kelly, Lecturer in Romanticism–
Tim Milnes, Romanticism–
Jon Dent, Romantic Imagination–
Twitter Accounts Maintained by Institutions Related to the Field
British Association for Romantic Studies–
Romantic Circles–
The British Society for 18th Century Studies–