Category Archives: State of the Field

State of the Field: Feminist Theory

By: Christina Quintana


Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies –

Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies –

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society –

Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature –

Women’s Studies Quarterly –


Books Published in the Last Two Years:

Abu-Lughod, Lila. Do Muslim Women Need Saving? Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2013.

Anderson, Kristin J. Modern Misogyny: Anti-feminism in a Post-feminist Era. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.

Gay, Roxane. Bad Feminist: Essays. New York: Harper Perennial, 2014.

Willis, Ellen. The Essential Ellen Willis. Ed. Nona Willis Aronowitz. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota, 2014.


Annual Conferences:

Feminist Art History Conference –

National Women’s Studies Association –

Society for the Study of American Women Writers –

Women’s Caucus for the Modern Languages –


University Press Series:

Re-Reading the Canon, Penn State University Press –

Studies in Feminist Philosophy, Oxford University Press –

Women in Culture and Society, University of Chicago Press –


Speaker Series:

Feminist Research Speaker Series, University of Alberta –

Through Feminist Eyes Speaker Series, Virginia Tech –

Women and Gender Speaker Series, UNC Charlotte –


Scholarly Blogs:

Feminist Frequency –

Feministing –

The Feminist Wire –

The F Word –


Twitter Accounts Maintained by Scholars in the Field:

bell hooks –

Cherríe Moraga –

Gloria Steinem –


Twitter Accounts Maintained by Institutions:

Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University –

National Women’s Studies Association –

University of Michigan Women’s Studies Department –

State of the Field: Victorian Literature

By: Elissa Myers

3-5 Journals
Victorian Periodicals Review
I am particularly interested in Victorian Periodicals, and this journal is the primary place in which arguments centered on periodicals rather than novels or poetry are published
Victorian Literature and Culture
This journal is interdisciplinary, so it has a lot of articles about historical phenomena and popular culture in the Victorian era as well as literature.
Victorian Studies
One of the premier journals for Victorian Studies. Important for knowing the debates being had by big names in the field.
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
This journal is published online by Birkbeck College, University of London. Their issues are always themed, so you get to understand what they consider the big issues in the field to be. It is also open-access.

3 Books
Kaplan, Fred. Sacred Tears: Sentimentality in Victorian Literature. New York: Oen Road Integrated Media, 2013. Print.
More specifically, I am interested in how writers deployed sentiment in their novels in order to have certain emotional effects on their readers.
Moruzi, Kristine. Constructing Girlhood Through the Periodical Press: 1850-1915. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. Print.
This book combines my interests in chidren’s literature and periodicals.
Mussell, James. The Nineteenth-Century Press in the Digital Age. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print.
This book will help me get a sense of what periodicals scholars have already done towards  incorporating digital methods into their scholarship, enabling me to create a proposal for a project in Digital Praxis that engages with current scholarly conversations.

3-5 Conferences
Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Conference
North American Victorian Studies Association
NAVSA is widely known as the premier conference for Victorian Studies in America.
British Women Writers Conference
I attended this conference last year and was impressed by how welcoming the senior scholars were, as well as how engaged all the discussion panels were. This seems like a great conference because it strikes a balance between selectivity and warmth. Plus it is all about women writers—one of my specializations.
NEVSA, Northeast Victorian Studies Association
The Northeast Victorian Studies Association is known for being friendly toward grad students and for having an intimate environment.
VISAWUS, Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western U.S.
I just attended this conference, and found it extremely helpful. Because it was small (only 2-3 concurrent panels throughout the conference), I got lots of good feedback from grad students and professors. There was a more collegial atmosphere because we were all going to each other’s panels and forming stronger connections.

3 University Press Series
Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Culture, Edinburgh UP –  This series publishes many books making historical arguments. One title that was particularly interesting to me was Roomscape: Women Writers in the British Museum from George Eliot to Virginia Woolf. I am also interested in some of their othe titles that are about urban culture and transportation at the fin-de-siècle.
Ashgate Nineteenth Century Series – This series focuses on popular culture and literature of the entire nineteenth century, rather than just the Victorian period. This is useful for me because I also like to study “the long nineteenth century.”
Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture – The series’ inclusion of the word “writing” rather than literature indicates its commitment to historicism and to publishing not only traditionally-recognized “literary” writers, but also non-canonical writers.

3 Speaker Series
Birkbeck Forum for Nineteenth-Century Studies
Seems like one of the most vibrant Victorian communities I have heard of. They have many talks that tend to be interdisciplinary, incorporating art history, history, science, and other disciplines. Also mirror my interests to a large degree with strong interests in affect theory and reader experiences of 19th century works. One interesting talk is about the “Our Mutual Friend” reading project in which people read the novel according to the time frame in which it was serialized, took on characters from the novel and tweeted as them during the duration of the group’s reading of the novel. They are also available in podcasts from their website.
Victorian Seminars at the CUNY Grad Center
I recently attended a Victorian Seminar that discussed the use of French in Jane Eyre. It was very engaging, and both professors and students came from all around the New York and New Jersey area to attend.
The Victorian Centre’s Spring Seminar Series (University of Leicester)
These lectures focus on a wide variety of nineteenth-century topics

3-5 Scholarly Blogs
Pope, Catherine. Victorian Geek. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
Reviews books, gives advice on digital methods and pedagogy in Victorian lit.
Nicholson, Bob. The Digital Victorianist. Web. 19 Oct. 2014
Blogs about transatlantic literature and conferences, Victorian humor, and using digital methods in Victorian scholarship and pedagogy.
Tetens, Kristan. The Victorian Peeper.  Web. 19 Oct. 2014. Print.
This blog as one reviewer says “knows more about Britain than is safe.” There is a wealth of posts on a variety of nineteenth-century historical issues.

3-5 Twitter accounts by scholars
Ana Parejo Vadillo – @aipv2010
Studies the effects of late nineteenth-century technologies of mobility, as well as place, on British female poets.
Anne Helmreich – @anne_alh
Digital humanities and art history scholar who studies the codification of certain ways of looking at art in the nineteenth century
Laurel Brake – @printjournalism
Wrote foundational works on Victorian periodicals
Patrick Leary – @PatrickLearyVIC
Also an important figure in Victorian periodicals scholarship
Caroline Reitz – @CWWrites
Works on periodicals at the Grad Center

3-5 Twitter accounts by institutions
Birkbeck C19 Studies – @BirkbeckC19
Details the many events both on location and digital that the C19 Centre for Nineteenth Century Studies hosts and links to other events of interest.
UoL (University of Leicester) Victorian Studies @victoriancentre
Details events of interest such as conferences, as well as current news and extracurricular events related to Victorian Studies
Victorian Studies – @VictStudies
Again is up to date on a wide variety of Victorian-related events
Victorian Periodicals Review @vpreditors
Mentions events and ideas specific to periodical scholarship as well as ones for a broader audience.

State of the Field: Comp/Rhet

By: Seth Graves


Composition Pedagogy
College Composition and Communication Journal
Writing on the Edge (still active, though the website hasn’t been updated since 2012)
College English
The Writing Instructor
Written Communication
Composition Studies

Philosophy and Rhetoric
JAC: A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture, and Politics
Rhetoric Society Quarterly
Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media, and Culture

JCLL: Journal of College Literacy and Learning
Journal of Academic Language and Learning

WPA and Writing Centers
WPA Journal
Writing Center Journal
Praxis: A Writing Center Journal


Composition Pedagogy/Community
A New Writing Classroom: Listening, Motivation, and Habits of Mind, Patrick Sullivan, Utah State University 2014
Adult Literacy and American Identity: The Moonlight Schools and Americanization Programs, Samantha NeCamp, Southern Illinois University Press 2014
Embracing Writing: Ways to Teach Reluctant Writers in Any College Course, Gary R. Hafer and Maryellen Weimer (forward), Wiley 2014
Reclaiming English Language Arts Methods Courses: Critical Issues and Challenges for Teacher Educators in Top-Down Times, ed. Jory Brass and Allen Webb, Routledge 2014
Upsetting Composition Commonplaces, Ian Barnard, Utah State University 2014
Race and Writing Assessment (Studies in Composition and Rhetoric), ed. Asao B. Inoue and Mya Poe, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers 2012 (CCCC Outstanding Book Award 2014)
Writing Groups for Doctoral Education and Beyond: Innovations in practice and theory, ed. Claire Aitchison and Cally Guerin, Routledge 2014
After Pedagogy: The Experience of Teaching (CCCC/NCTE Studies in Writing & Rhetoric) (Cccc Studies in Writing & Rhetoric), Paul Lynch, NCTE 2013

Writing Craft
Writing in Social Spaces: A social processes approach to academic writing (Research into Higher Education), Rowena Murray, Routledge 2014
How to Write Short: Word Craft for Fast Times, Roy Peter Clark, Little, Brown and Company 2014

The Other Side of Pedagogy: Lacan’s Four Discourses and the Development of the Student Writer,  T. R. Johnson, SUNY Press 2014
A Language and Power Reader: Representations of Race in a “Post-Racist” Era, Robert Eddy and Victor Villanueva, Utah State University 2013
Ambient Rhetoric: The Attunements of Rhetorical Being (Pitt Comp Literacy Culture), Thomas Rickert, University of Pittsburgh Press 2013 (CCCC Outstanding Book Award 2014)
Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents (Sign, Storage, Transmission), Lisa Gitelman, Duke University Press 2014
Multimodal Epistemologies: Towards an Integrated Framework (Routledge Studies in Multimodality), ed. Arianna Maiorani and Christine Christie, Routledge 2014
Language: A Reader for Writers, Gita DasBender, Oxford University Press 2013
Understanding Rhetoric: A Graphic Guide to Writing; Elizabeth Losh, Jonathan Alexander, Kevin Cannon, Zander Cannon; Bedford/St. Martin’s 2013

Writing Centers/WPA
Talk about Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors, by Jo Mackiewicz and Isabelle Kramer Thompson, Routledge 2015

Digital Humanities
Participatory Composition: Video Culture, Writing, and Electracy, Sarah J. Arroyo  (Author), Cortney Kimoto (Smethurst) (Contributor), Southern Illinois University Press 2013
Debates in the Digital Humanities, Matthew K. Gold, University of Minnesota Press 2012 (:-D)

CCCC Annual Convention
AWP: Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference
MLA Annual Convention
IWCA: International Writing Centers Association
ASHR: American Society for the History of Rhetoric
CWPA: Conference of the Council of Writing Program Administrators
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric, Louisville
NCPTW: National Conference of Peer Tutors of Writing
NEMLA: Northeast MLA Conference
National Conference of Teachers, NCTE
College English Association Conference
American Studies Association Conference
AEJMC: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture
Lauer Series in Rhetoric and Composition
Options for Teaching, MLA
Refiguring English Studies, NCTE
Studies in Writing and Rhetoric, NCTE
Theory and Research into Practice, NCTE
Teacher’s Introduction Series, NCTE
Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition, WAC Clearinghouse, Colorado State
The Bedford/St. Martin’s Series in Rhetoric and Composition
The Cross Current Series, Heinemann
Postmillennial Pop, NYU Press
Rhetoric and Democratic Deliberation, Penn State Press
Rhetoric and Society, Cornell University Press
Princeton Series in Culture, Power, History
Philosophy/Communication, Purdue University Press
Approaches to Language and Literacy Research, Teachers College Press
Iowa Series in Creativity and Writing
Digital Humanities Series, University of Michigan Press
Series on English for Academic and Professional Purposes, University of Michigan Press
Writers on Writing, University of Michigan Press
Topics in the Digital Humanities, University of Illinois Press
The History of Communication, University of Illinois Press
Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing, University of Chicago Press

Composition Program Speaker Series, Virginia Tech
Rhet/Comp Speaker Series, Florida State University
Illinois State Visiting Speaker Series
Digital Writing and Research Speaker Series, University of Texas at Austin
The Mina Shaughnessy Speaker Series, CUNY-wide
Rhetorical Listening and Composition Speaker Series, Syracuse University
Writing Program Speaker Series, Ball State University
Victor M. Bearg Science and Humanities Scholars Speaker Series, Carnegie Mellon University
Culbertson Speaker Series, Indiana University
Composition and Rhetoric Lecture Series at Kansas University
Rhetoric, Writing, and Linguistics Speaker Series at UT Knoxville

Roy Peter Clark, Poynter Institute
Ted Underwood
Brian McNely (U Kentucky)
Ann Larson, “ex-composition” scholar, CUNY Grad 2010
Kathleen Fitzpatrick (MLA/NYU)
College Ready Writing (Inside Higher Ed, Lee Elaine Skallerup)
Rhetoric Society of America Blog
Great list of comp/rhet blogs here

Roy Peter Clark
Adam Banks
Ellen Schendel
Kathleen Fitzpatrick

4 C’s
National Center for Literacy Education
The National Writing Project
The Institute of Play
NYT Learning Network
Kairos Journal

State of the Field Report: Ecocriticism

By: Sarah Hildebrand


Environmental Humanities: “Environmental Humanities is an international, open-access journal that aims to invigorate current interdisciplinary research on the environment. In response to a growing interest around the world in the many questions that arise in this era of rapid environmental and social change, the journal publishes outstanding scholarship that draws humanities disciplines into conversation with each other, and with the natural and social sciences.”

ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment: “ISLE seeks to explore the relation between human beings and the natural world, and publishes articles from literary scholars, environmental historians, specialists in the visual and performing arts, environmental philosophers, geographers, economists, ecologists, and scholars in other fields relevant to ‘literature and environment.’ The journal also publishes poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction pertinent to its thematic focus.”

Journal of Ecocriticism: “The Journal of Ecocriticism is an open-access, peer-reviewed electronic review of ecocriticism and ecoliterature.”

Poecology: “Poecology is a literary journal and online resource for contemporary writing about place, ecology and the environment, with a particular interest in poetry.”

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) has compiled a comprehensive list of other ecocritical and environmental journals here:

Books Published in the Last Two Years:

Gaard, Greta, Simon C. Estok, and Serpil Opperman, eds. International Perspectives in Feminist Ecocriticism. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.

Kilcup, Karen L. Fallen Forests: Emotion, Embodiment, and Ethics in American Women’s Environmental Writing, 1781-1924. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2013. Print.

Lejano, Raul, Mrill Ingram, and Helen Ingram. The Power of Narrative in Environmental Networks. Cambridge: MIT P, 2013. Print.

Morton, Timothy. Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013. Print.

Waldron, Karen E. and Rob Friedman, eds. Toward a Literary Ecology: Places and Spaces in American Literature. Plymouth: Scarecrow P, 2013. Print.

Annual Conferences:

As it turns out, ecocritical organizations largely gravitate towards the Biennial Conference. The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE), the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and the Environment (EASLCE), and the Association for the Study of Literature, Environment & Culture – Australia & New Zealand (ASLEC-ANZ) all host Biennial Conferences that center around the subject of literature and the environment.

However, there are also always ecocritical panels (organized through ASLE) at the annual American Studies Association and Modern Language Association conferences.

University Press Series:

University of Illinois Press Series on The Environment and the Human Condition

Eastern Washington University Press Series on Environmental and Ecological Issues for Scholarly and Popular Audiences

University of Virginia Press Series entitled Under the Sign of Nature: Explorations in Ecocriticism

Wilfrid Laurier University Press’s Environmental Humanities Series (Canadian)

Speaker Series:

Oecologies Speaker Series sponsored by Green College at the University of British Columbia.

Sustainability Studies Speaker Series at Stony Brook University

Tuesday Ecocritical Lecture Series II hosted by the University of Central Florida’s College of Arts & Humanities

Scholarly Blogs: – Ecocritic Timothy Morton’s blog – An blog managed by the ecocritical reading group at Stellenbosch University – A blog maintained by Adrian Ivakhiv, who teaches Environmental Thought and Cultural Studies at the University of Vermont

Twitter Accounts Maintained by Scholars in the Field:

@wcronon – William Cronon

@billmckibben – Bill McKibben

@TempestWilliams – Terry Tempest Williams

Twitter Accounts Maintained by Institutions Related to the Field:

@CarsonCenter – The Rachel Carson Center: “International center furthering research in the environmental humanities”

@EnvHistJournal – “Environmental History is an international journal dedicated to exploring the history of human interaction with the natural world”

@EnvHumanities – “Environmental Humanities is an international, open-access journal that aims to invigorate current interdisciplinary research on the environment”

@PlacesJournal – Places Journal: “Public scholarship on architecture, landscape, and urban design”







State of the Field – Comp/Rhet (specifically second language writing, digital writing / multimodal composition)

By: Lindsey Albracht


  • Computers and Composition- This journal, which began as a newsletter in 1983, initially featured the work of scholars who attempted to situate computer work within a classroom context. This is largely still the case, though as the journal has expanded, the articles have grown longer, taken on a more scholarly tone, and focused less primarily on the practical use of computers within a classroom context and more on the praxis of computer use within the wider field.
  • College Composition and Communication – According to the submission guidelines, this journal “invites submission of research and scholarship in composition studies that supports college teachers in reflecting on and improving their practices in teaching writing.” While it isn’t critical that Cs articles are explicit classroom “how-to” guides, the content of these articles should be immediately related to teaching.
  • Journal of Second Language Writing – The title of this journal is fairly descriptive of its content, but basically, this journal features articles that discuss current issues related to second-language writing. The submission guidelines state that the journal is particularly interested in contributions that focus on “personal characteristics and attitudes of L2 writers, L2 writers’ composing processes, features of L2 writers’ texts, readers’ responses to L2 writing, assessment / evaluation of L2 writing, contexts (cultural, social, political, institutional) for L2 writing, and any other topic clearly relevant to L2 writing, theory, research, or instruction.”
  • College English – Another journal which is specifically targeted to and which particularly solicits submissions from “scholar-teachers,” College English strikes me as slightly more interdisciplinary than Cs (which is also affiliated with the organization NCTE, or National Council of Teachers of English). The submissions can focus on literature, comp/rhet, theory, pedagogy, linguistics, and other issues related to the teaching of English.
  • TESOL Quarterly – This journal is interested in many of the same issues that interest the audience of Journal of Second-Language Writing, but it doesn’t solely focus on writing. Rather, TESOL Quarterly would be read by linguists, teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and other people in the field who are interested in research related to work with multilingual students.

Books published in the last two years:

  • de Oliveira, Luciana C. and Tony Silva. L2 Writing in Secondary Classrooms: Student Experiences, Academic Issues, and Teacher Education. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.   Though this book is primarily for teachers / administrators / policy makers / researchers who work with secondary students (rather than students in higher ed), it stresses the lack of emphasis that current secondary curriculum places on the teaching of writing. The collection is co-edited by Tony Silva, who has done a lot of interesting work around second-language writing and writing program administration, and it might provide a helpful context to teachers of first-year composition (and those who study it).
  • Jordan, Jay. Redesigning Composition for Multilingual Realities. Urbana, Ill.: Conference on College Composition and Communication of the National Council of Teachers of English, 2012. Print.                                                                                                                              In this book, Jordan subverts traditional constructions of the multilingual learner to remind us that all students (and teachers) are operating within and between multiple, simultaneous, sometimes competitive literacies in composition classrooms. He also argues that second-language students, specifically, are positioned to “provide models for language uses as English continues to spread and change as an international lingua franca.”
  • Lutkewitte, Claire. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston and New York: Bedford / St. Martin’s, 2013. Print.                                                                                    This book is part of the Bedford / St. Martin’s rhet/comp series, and it gives a practical grounding in what multimodal composition is and how it functions. It’s a guide to teaching multimodal composition but also to using it in the scholarly production of texts outside of the first-year comp classroom.

(Also, here’s a handy map of publishers that accept monographs in/around rhetoric and composition studies.)

Annual conferences:

  • Symposium on Second Language Writing -This is an annual international conference. Sometimes it’s in June, sometimes it’s in September, sometimes, it’s in October, etc. This year, it’s at Arizona State University, and it’s in November.

University press series:

Speaker series:

  • Florida State University Rhetoric and Composition Speaker Series
  • The Culbertson Speaker Series at Indiana University
  • Grassroots Writing Research Visiting Speaker Series at Illinois State University

Scholarly blogs:

Twitter accounts maintained by scholars in the field:

  • Kristen Arola — @kristenarola
  • Cheryl E. Ball — @s2ceball
  • Susan Miller-Cochran — @mediatedlife

Twitter accounts maintained by institutions related to the field:  

  • Composition Studies Journal — @CompStudiesJrnl
  • Computers & Writing — @candwcon

State of the (Children’s/YA Lit) Field

By: Jennifer Polish


The Lion and the Unicorn: “The Lion and the Unicorn is a theme- and genre-centered journal of international scope committed to a serious, ongoing discussion of literature for children.” 

Bookbird: “Published by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), Bookbird communicates new ideas to the whole community of readers interested in children’s books, publishing work on any topic in the field of international children’s literature.

Children’s Literature: “Children’s Literature is the annual publication of the Modern Language Association Division on Children’s Literature and the Children’s Literature Association. Encouraging serious scholarship and research, Children’s Literature publishes theoretically based articles that address key issues in the field.”

Children’s Literature Association Quarterly: “With a new look and a new editorial staff, the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly continues its tradition of publishing first-rate scholarship in Children’s Literature Studies.”

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures: “Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is an interdisciplinary, refereed academic journal whose mandate is to publish research on, and to provide a forum for discussion about, cultural productions for, by, and about young people.”

Books Published in the Last Two Years

Hintz, Carrie, Balaka Basu, and Katherine R. Broad, eds. Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers. Routledge, 2013.

McGillis, Roderick. Voices of the Other: Children’s Literature and the Postcolonial Context. Routledge, 2013.

Zipes, Jack. Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children’s Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter. Routledge, 2013.

Annual Conferences (Recent/Upcoming)

National Latino Children’s Literature Conference:

“Connecting Cultures and Celebrating Cuentos”

March 13-14, 2014

The University of Alabama

Children’s Literature Association Conference

“Give me liberty, or give me death!”: 

The High Stakes and Dark Sides of Children’s Literature

Hosted by Longwood University 

June 18-20, 2015 

Richmond, Virginia 

Omni Richmond Hotel

Western Washington University Children’s Literature Conference:

2015 WWU Children’s Literature Conference 

Saturday, February 28, 2015 

Performing Arts Center ~ Concert Hall 

Stony Brook Southampton Children’s Literature Conference

Workshops in Writing Picture Books, Middle Grade Fiction and Young Adult Novels

July 16-20, 2014

University Press Series

Oxford University Press School and Young Adult Books: (Not an academic series per se, but if not more important) “Oxford University Press is the only university press that publishes books for children and young adults, an effort that is a direct extension of the Press’s mission to disseminate knowledge to a broad public.”

University Press of Mississippi Children’s Literature Association Series: “Books in this series include critical assessments of books, authors, illustrators, presses, and other entities involved in children’s and young-adult literature.”

Edinburgh Critical Guides to Literature Series: Includes two editions on children’s literature, the latest issued in 2014. 

Speaker Series

MacLeod Children’s Literature Lecture Series: “The MacLeod Children’s Literature Lecture Series is a bi-annual program launched by the College in 1999 devoted to exposing scholarly issues associated with children’s literature to a broad audience.”

Lois Lenski Children’s Literature Lecture Series: “The Lois Lenski Children’s Literature Lecture Series was instituted in 1994 to honor children’s author Lois Lenski, who gave so generously of her time and her papers to the students of Illinois State University.”

The 2014 Lowell Lecture Series: Gateway to Reading: “The 2014 Lowell Lecture Series Gateway to Reading explores the fundamental importance of childhood literacy and addresses the joys, discoveries, questions, and challenges facing today’s generation of young readers.”

Scholarly Blogs

The Brown Bookshelf: “The Brown Bookshelf is designed to push awareness of the myriad of African American voices writing for young readers.

Disability in KidLit: “Disability in Kidlit began as a month-long event in July 2013, featuring daily posts by readers, writers, bloggers, and other people from the YA and MG communities discussing disability and kidlit.

SDSU Children’s Literature: San Diego State University’s English and Comparative Literature program blog.

Twitter Accounts Maintained by Scholars in the Field

Latin@s in KidLit: “Exploring the world of Latino/a YA, MG, and children’s literature.

Disability in KidLit: “We review & discuss the portrayal of disabled characters in MG/YA novels.

Mitali Perkins: Maintains a list of “[t]weets about racial and cultural diversity in the children’s book world.”

Philip Nel: “Professor. One of @TheNiblings4. Two-time Eisner loser. Crockett Johnson & Ruth Krauss, Tales for Little Rebels, Dr. Seuss: American Icon. All views are my own.

Twitter Accounts Maintained by Institutions Related to the Field

Just Us Books: “Premier Publisher of Black-Interest Books for Children”

Children’s Literature Association: “The Children’s Literature Association (ChLA) is a non-profit association dedicated to the academic study of literature for children.

Children’s Literature Reviews: “We are an independent review source of Children & YA books & media. CL also assists schools/conferences in hosting author & illustrator events & book sales.